Organe de asamblare

Șurub PAL parțial filetat, cu cap înecat, oțel zincat alb

Șurub PAL cu cap semibombat, oțel zincat galben

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.)

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol X0021420S* X0021425S* X0021430S* X00214516S* X00214520S* X00214525S* X00214550S* X0021516S* X0021530S* X0021550S* X0021650S*

4.0 x 20 / Pz2 4.0 x 25 / Pz2 4.0 x 30 / Pz2 4.5 x 16 / Pz2 4.5 x 20 / Pz2 4.5 x 25 / Pz2 4.5 x 50 / Pz2 5.0 x 16 / Pz2 5.0 x 30 / Pz2 5.0 x 50 / Pz2 6.0 x 50 / Pz3

2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 1000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 1000 10% 400 10%

1000 0.22 1000 0.30 1000 0.29 1000 0.23 1000 0.26 1000 0.22 500 0.60 1000 0.32 1000 0.32 500 0.72 200 0.88

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.) 10000

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol

4.0 x 50 / Pz2 5.0 x 50 / Pz2 5.0 x 60 / Pz2 5.0 x 70 / Pz2 5.0 x 90 / Pz2 5.0 x 120 / Pz2 6.0 x 120 / Pz3 6.0 x 150 / Pz3 6.0 x 180 / Pz3 6.0 x 200 / Pz3

5% X001AP450S

1000 500 500 500 200 100 100 100

0.89 1.37 1.61 1.90 2.70 4.13 5.41 7.70

5000 5% X001AP550S 5000 5% X001AP560S 5000 5% X001AP570S

2000 1000 1000 1000 200 200

5% X001AP590S 5% X001AP5120S 5% X001AP6120S 5% X001AP6150S 5% X001AP6180S 5% X001AP6200S

Șurub cu cap plat pentru lemn, oțel zincat

20 11.35 20 14.72

Șurub PAL total filetat cap înecat TORX, zincat galben

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.)

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol

4 x 20 / 18

1000 10%




€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.) 20000 20000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

Prezon pentru lemn, oțel zincat

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol

2.5 x 20 2.5 x 25 3.0 x 16 3.5 x 20 3.5 x 30 4.0 x 18 4.0 x 20 4.0 x 30 4.0 x 40 4.0 x 45 4.0 x 50 4.0 x 60 4.5 x 45 5.0 x 60 5.0 x 70 5.0 x 80

5% X001TX2520S 5% X001TX2525S 5% X001TX316S 5% X001TX3520S 5% X001TX3530S 5% X001TX418S 5% X001TX420S 5% X001TX430S 5% X001TX440S 5% X001TX445S 5% X001TX450S

2000 0.30 2000 0.36 1000 0.29 1000 0.39 1000 0.50 1000 0.45 1000 0.49 1000 0.60 1000 0.73 1000 0.81 1000 0.91 500 1.10 500 1.03 500 1.65 500 1.91 200 2.31

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.)

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol X0040660S X0040670S X0040680S X00406100S X0040850S X0040860S X0040870S

6.0 x 60 6.0 x 70 6.0 x 80 6.0 x 100 8.0 x 50 8.0 x 60 8.0 x 70 8.0 x 80 8.0 x 90 8.0 x 100 8.0 x 120 8.0 x 150 8.0 x 160 8.0 x 200 10.0 x 60 10.0 x 80 10.0 x 90 10.0 x 100 10.0 x 120 10.0 x 140 10.0 x 150 10.0 x 160 10.0 x 180 10.0 x 200 12.0 x 180 12.0 x 200

400 400 400 400 400 400 400

6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2.21 2.63 5.58 3.77 2.81 3.49 4.08 4.90 5.98 6.33 7.66 9.96 5.84 7.67 8.58 9.66

5000 5% X001TX460S 5000 5% X001TX4545S 5000 5% X001TX560S 5000 5% X001TX570S


5% X001TX580S

1000 400 1000 1000 500 500 500 400 400 400 1000 1000 200 200 200 200 200

5% X0040880S



Șurub PAL parțial filetat cap înecat TORX, zincat galben

5% X00408100S 5% X00408120S 5% X00408150S 5% X00408160S 5% X00408200S


50 10.90 50 13.62

6% 6% 6%

X00401060S X00401080S X00401090S

100 100 100 100

5% X004010100S 5% X004010120S

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.)

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol

100 12.13 50 15.38 50 20.96 50 17.01 20 31.39 20 23.66 20 28.60 20 33.83

6% 6% 6%

X004010140S X004010150S X004010160S

5 x 100 5 x 120 6 x 100 6 x 120 6 x 140 6 x 150 6 x 160 6 x 180

2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

5% X001TP5100S 5% X001TP5120S 5% X001TP6100S 5% X001TP6120S 5% X001TP6140S 5% X001TP6150S 5% X001TP6160S 5% X001TP6180S

200 100 100 100 100 100 100

3.76 4.49 4.75 5.90 7.66 8.48 9.58

5% X004010180S 5% X004010200S

80 80

6% 6%

X004012180S X004012200S

100 12.39

Șurub pentru gips-carton, filet cu pas fin, tratat termic, oțel fosfatat

Șurub PAL cu cap semibombat, oțel zincat galben

Produs cu stoc limitat

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol

€/100 buc.

Minim (buc.)

mm Ambalare (buc.)


Cod articol X0021312S* X0021316S* X00213516S* X00213525S* X00213530S* X00213535S* X0021416S*

3.5 x 19 3.5 x 25 3.5 x 32 3.5 x 35 3.5 x 45 3.5 x 51 3.5 x 55 3.8 x 64

5% X01003519S 5% X01003525S 5% X01003532S 5% X01003535S 5% X01003545S 5% X01003551S 5% X01003555S 5% X01003864S

1000 0.41 1000 0.49 1000 0.56 1000 0.62 1000 0.78 1000 0.89 1000 0.94 1000 1.14

3.0 x 12 / Pz1 3.0 x 16 / Pz1 3.5 x 16 / Pz2 3.5 x 25 / Pz2 3.5 x 30 / Pz2 3.5 x 35 / Pz2 4.0 x 16 / Pz2

2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10% 2000 10%

1000 0.06 1000 0.08 1000 0.09 1000 0.11 1000 0.13 1000 0.25 1000 0.20


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